Monday, January 5, 2015



If you want some quick standard Korean food, visit Dubudubop* at 147-34B Northern Boulevard. There is rarely a wait to be seated at this spacious Crate and Barrel®-esque restaurant.

For extra ease of ordering, one of the servers is trilingual (native fluency in Korean and Chinese; working proficiency in English). As a bonus, there’s a Samsung flat screen near the kitchen, allowing you to get your fix of cheesy Korean soap operas for the day.

As with many Korean restaurants, the Dubudubop dining experience kicks off with an array of complimentary banchan (appetizer dishes) paired with hot barley tea.

Flushing Food enjoyed all the banchan here, with the exception of the pickled chili banchan (appetizer).** These pickles are best left alone unless you want to add an extra kick of spice to your soup entrée(s). But be warned—it’s an unforgiving kick.

Overall, Flushing Food was most happy with the quantity of meat in our entrées, which arrived less than fifteen minutes after we ordered. Not feeling adventurous for that day’s lunch, we opted for a hearty tofu soup and a beef and rice dish. Our seafood tofu soup ($8.99 for lunch; $10.99 for dinner) really hit the spot! There was black ice on the streets outside, but we were fanning ourselves after just a few sips of 해물 순두부.

Our beef bibimbap was almost as good. For $12.99 (lunch) or $14.99 (dinner), 소고기 돌판 비빔밥 arrives at your table on a hot stone, ready for your server to sizzle together right before your hungry eyes.

May Flushing Food suggest: treating Dubudubop as a cash-only restaurant.***

* I think the literal translation for “dubudubop” is “tofu and tofu rice”. Please correct me if I’m wrong!
** I tried the pickled chili solo, figuring that because it arrived on a banchan dish, it was mild enough to eat alone. WRONG.

Media credits: Helen Y.

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